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Air Con Re Gas R1234YF

Being stranded in a car with a malfunctioning air conditioning system is the last thing you want as the summer heat waves arrive. Your Town Tyres, which is situated in the centre of Your town, may help with that by keeping you cool and comfortable while driving. 

There are two varieties of air conditioning gas on the market. Vehicles built prior to 2014 use R134A gas. For vehicles manufactured after 1 January 2014, the more ecologically friendly R1234YF air con gas is standard.

R1234YF is used as standard on all vehicles manufactured since January 2014, however between 2014 and 2016 it is possible that your vehicle uses either R1234YF or the older R134A. If you are unsure which gas to purchase for your vehicle please contact us on 01249 811145.

R1234YF: what is it?

The newest refrigerant, R1234YF, was created with greater environmental consideration than its predecessors. Because of its lesser potential to cause global warming, it has been the standard for new cars since 2017. In addition to making driving more comfortable, making sure your car's air conditioning system is refilled with R1234YF also helps the environment.
Why Choose Cross Country Tyres Ltd.

Here at Cross Country Tyres Ltd know how important it is to keep your air conditioning system operating well. The most recent R1234YF re-gas services are handled by our skilled specialists, who will guarantee optimal performance from your car's air conditioning system. 

Whats Included?

Comprehensive AC Check: We perform a comprehensive assessment of your air conditioning system to find any potential problems prior to performing any re-gas procedures. 
Re-Gas Quality R1234YF: We only use premium R1234YF refrigerant to ensure your AC system operates at peak efficiency and lasts a long time. 
Reasonably priced service: Obtain excellent service without going over budget. We offer value for money with our competitively priced R1234YF re-gas services.

Book Air Con Re-Gas R1234YF with Cross Country Tyres Ltd

Air Con Re-Gas R1234YF

Manufacturers recommend that your vehicle’s air conditioning should be recharged with gas and lubricant every 2 years to keep it running effectively and efficiently. 

There are currently two types of air con gas available R134A gas is common in vehicles manufactured before 2014. Since1st January 2014 all vehicles include the new R1234YF air con gas which is more environmentally friendly.  Please check before purchasing if you are unsure which gas your vehicle requires.


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